HRD staff duties

10 HRD Staff Duties

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HR Staff Duties – Human Resource Development or better known as HRD is one of the job positions held by every company.

This job occupies a vital and important position in assisting and supporting the development of the company itself.

It can be said that HRD is a person who works for a company related to managing human resources in the company itself.

In other words, human resources are employees who work in a company.

So, the main task of an HRD is managing human resources (HR / Employees), paying attention to employee activities, and of course reducing and recruiting employees. That’s why every job applicant must send his application letter to the HRD of the company he is applying for.

Duties of HRD (Human Resource Development) Staff

As a person who occupies an important position in a company, of course an HRD has many tasks that need to be carried out while working, which include:

  1. An HRD is in control and responsible for managing and developing human resources in a company.
  2. Develop and provide advice to companies in making human resource management systems more effective and efficient.
  3. Conduct an assessment of employee performance, pay attention to suitability of fields with employee backgrounds, observe employee development so that employees can standardize, select, and promote if needed.
  4. Organize and create work contracts for employees and design long-term and short-term work contracts. This must also be adjusted to the results of the performance of the employee.
  5. Arrange sanctions to be given when an employee makes a mistake. This can be closely related to whether the employee gets a work contract extension or not in accordance with the quality of his work.
  6. Schedule and create assignment letters for employees. An HRD must be careful and precise in choosing employees who will be sent to work outside the company. This must be in accordance with the ability of the employee.
  7. Manage employee administration.
  8. Taking care of insurance for employees, be it Employment BPJS or insurance provided by the company itself such as when an employee has a work accident at the company or others.
  9. HRD monitors the attendance of its employees, provides leave according to the needs of the company, must also be able to record the attendance of its employees as a form of discipline and assessment of its employees.
  10. Make and determine the qualifications that are good and in accordance with the needs of the company, so that it can select the best and most competent employees for the required fields.
  11. Archiving important company documents that are closely related to human resource management.

Now that you know what the duties of an HRD are, are you interested in working as an HRD and managing human resources in a company? These are the requirements that you must fulfill.

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A professional who shares stories about career and business.

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