what is professional ethics

What is Professional Ethics? Meaning & Definition

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What is professional ethics? Professional ethics is something that is very important for workers to know. After knowing it, the next step is to run it.

Professional ethics are not made solely for formality. However, professional ethics are made to be adhered to. So that everything in the company can run well.

Meaning and Definition Professional Ethics

What is professional ethics? Professional ethics is a guide to professionalism in the world of work. How we speak and act is one understanding of ethics as professionals.

In addition, the way to make decisions can also be done professionally. Professional ethics does not only apply to one profession. However, it applies thoroughly to all professions in general.

In a particular profession, a rule of special ethics can be added. The rules are in accordance with the profession on the job. As a professional person in the world of work, one must always keep professional ethics in mind.

And remember proper ethics, in order to establish good relationships with all parts of the organization.

Professional ethics is an attitude of life. An attitude about a willingness to provide professional service to the community. The trick is with various expertise, and fully involved in the implementation of tjhas.

Ethics is a principle. These principles govern the behavior of a person or a group in the business environment. With the existence of a professional ethic, it can provide an overview of how a person should act.

In particular acting towards others and their institutions in the nature of that environment. Ultimately, ethics will be used by everyone in the same group. Although the values between people in the group are different.

Principles of Professional Ethics

The following are some principles of professional ethics. Among these are the following:

1. Principle of responsibility

The principle of responsibility means that all professionals are obliged to carry out responsibility for the work they do. In addition to being responsible for work, a person is also obliged to be responsible for the results of his work.

As someone professional, one must be prepared to take responsibility. Such as being responsible for the impact of decisions made. As well as anything that has been made in the work. They must be accountable to the lives of others and the general public.

2. The principle of justice

The principle of fairness in ethics means that a professional must always attach importance to the value of justice in every work. Whatever he does must have an element of justice.

Whatever is done if it is intended for someone else, it must be given. Especially for professions that are tasked with serving the community. Such as police, health workers, security officers and so on.

3. The principle of autonomy

The next principle is the principle of autonomy. A professional in the world of work also has freedom. They have the authority to work in accordance with their profession.

It also uses the language of a professional having the right to do, or not to do, something based on the code of ethics in the job.

4. The principle of moral integrity

In professional ethics, moral integrity is very important. Because, it will reflect the quality of honesty and moral principles that are carried out consistently as professionals.

As a professional, it must be remembered that to always take care of one’s own interests, profession and also the interests of many others. It is part of the principle of moral integrity.

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