Will my resignation affect my new pass application in Singapore?

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Resigning from a job is a significant life decision that can have various implications, especially for those living and working abroad. For expatriates in Singapore, understanding how a resignation might affect future pass applications is crucial. Singapore’s robust employment framework ensures a structured process for both cancellation of existing passes and application for new ones.

When an individual resigns, their current Employment Pass (EP) or S Pass must be cancelled. This process is typically initiated by the employer through the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) online system. Following the cancellation, the individual is usually granted a Short-Term Visit Pass, allowing them to stay in the country for a limited period, generally between 30 to 90 days, to settle any pending matters.

For those seeking to apply for a new pass, it’s important to note that work passes are tied to specific employers. Therefore, if an employee wishes to find another job in Singapore, the responsibility of obtaining a new work pass falls on the new employer. It is generally advised not to cancel the current employment pass until a new one has been granted. This strategy helps avoid any period of being without a valid pass, which could potentially impact the individual’s legal status in Singapore.

The transition from one employment pass to another is a delicate process that requires careful timing and coordination with both the current and prospective employers. The new employer will need to apply for a new pass before the current one is cancelled. Once the new pass is approved, the individual can then proceed with the resignation and cancellation of the existing pass, ensuring a seamless transition without affecting their legal status or right to remain in Singapore.

It’s also worth noting that the cancellation of a pass has immediate effects on any related passes issued to family members, such as dependant’s passes, which will also be cancelled once the primary pass is invalidated.

In conclusion, while a resignation does necessitate the cancellation of the current pass, it does not directly affect the application for a new pass. The key is to ensure that the new pass application is well underway or approved before proceeding with the resignation to maintain continuous legal status in Singapore. As always, it’s advisable to consult with the MOM or a professional employment agency to navigate this process smoothly.

For more detailed information on the process and implications of employment pass cancellation and application in Singapore, please refer to the comprehensive guides provided by the Ministry of Manpower and professional services.

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