
Average Salary in Singapore by Age, Experience, Education, and Industry (2023)

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Average Salary in Singapore [2023] – The average salary in Singapore as of January 2023 is $5,847 per month. Is that enough to make a living in Singapore? How much do you need to earn to be able to live comfortably in Singapore? What are the things you need to know about average salary in Singapore? We’ll figure it out in this article together.

The Median Salary in Singapore Per Month

According to data from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the median salary in Singapore is S$5,070 per month, as of 2023. This includes employer CPF contributions. The median salary is the middle value in a set of data, when the data is arranged from least to greatest. This means that half of the people in Singapore earn more than S$5,070 per month, and half earn less.

The median salary is calculated by first arranging all of the salaries in Singapore from least to greatest. Then, the median salary is the salary that is in the middle of the list. For example, if there are 100 salaries, the median salary would be the 50th salary in the list.

The median salary is a more accurate measure of the average salary than the mean salary. This is because the mean salary is affected by outliers, which are salaries that are much higher or lower than the rest of the salaries. For example, if one person in Singapore earns S$1 million per year, the mean salary will be much higher than the median salary.

The median salary is a useful tool for comparing salaries between different groups of people. For example, you can use the median salary to compare the salaries of men and women, or the salaries of people with different levels of education.

Here are some of the factors that can affect the median salary:

  • Industry: Some industries, such as finance and technology, tend to pay higher salaries than others, such as retail and hospitality.
  • Education level: People with higher levels of education, such as a university degree, tend to earn higher salaries than people with lower levels of education.
  • Experience: People with more experience tend to earn higher salaries than people with less experience.
  • Location: Salaries tend to be higher in urban areas than in rural areas.
  • Occupation: Some occupations, such as doctors and lawyers, tend to pay higher salaries than others, such as sales clerks and waiters.

Average Salary in Singapore by Age

This category has to be mentioned first.

Singapore has a mandatory social security savings scheme funded by contributions from employers and employees called the Central Provident Fund (CPF). Your salary will be reduced by a certain percentage and it will be allocated for your retirement, housing, and healthcare needs.

The percentage is defined by age. It ranges between 12.5% and 37% of your monthly salary. This mandatory scheme is really crucial for every Singaporeans. Therefore everyone who’s pursuing a career in Singapore must know about this. 

Below is the CPF contribution rates by age for employees who earn more than $750 monthly. This can be applied from 1 January 2023. 

Employee’s age (years)Contribution rates (% of wage)
55 and below20
Above 55 to 6015
Above 60 to 659.5
Above 65 to 707
Above 705

According to the Labour Force in Singapore, the average salary in Singapore as of end 2022 is below.

Age groupAverage monthly salary (including employer CPF contribution)
15 – 19$1,638
20 – 24$2,925
25 – 29$4,446
30 – 34$5,792
35 – 39$6,825
40 – 44$6,825
45 – 49$6,581
50 – 54$5,850
55 – 59$4,323
60 – over$2,621

Average Salary in Singapore By Experience

Experience is another critical factor that affects the average salary in Singapore. Generally, workers with more experience tend to earn higher salaries than those with less experience. The table below shows the average monthly salaries for resident workers in Singapore by experience level, according to data from MOM:

Experience LevelAverage Monthly Salary (SGD)
Less than 2 years$2,789
2-5 years$3,858
5-10 years$5,000
10-15 years$6,500
More than 15 years$7,500

The table shows that workers with more than 15 years of experience earn the highest median salary in Singapore, with an average of $7,500 per month. Workers with less than two years of experience earn the lowest median salary, with an average of $2,789 per month. It is essential to note that these figures are also influenced by the industry and job role.

As you can see, there is a clear correlation between experience level and salary. The more experience you have, the higher your salary is likely to be. This is because experience provides you with the skills and knowledge that employers are willing to pay for.

Average salary in Singapore by Occupation

There are two groups of occupation in Singapore. The first one is called Professionals, Managers, Executives, and Technicians (PMET). They consist of occupations that require a certain or higher degree of education. Sometimes higher level skills from tertiary education. The second one is called non-PMET. This group doesn’t require a higher degree.

Examples of occupations listed as PMET are:

1. Managers and administrators (including working proprietors): 

  • Cabinet ministers
  • Senior government officials
  • Senior statutory board officials
  • Company managing director
  • Department and specialised manager
  • School principal
  • Working proprietor

2. Professionals:

  • Chemist
  • Statistician
  • Civil engineer
  • Cardiologist
  • Dentist
  • Registered nurse
  • University lecturer
  • Primary school teacher
  • Auditor
  • Lawyer
  • Journalist 

3. Associate professionals and technicians:

  • Chemistry technician
  • Mechanical draughtsman
  • Air traffic controller
  • Landscape operations officer
  • Fire and safety inspector
  • Paramedic
  • Broadcasting operations technician

Example of occupations listed as non-PMET are:

1. Clerical support workers

  • Office clerk
  • Secretary
  • Bank teller
  • Receptionist
  • Telephone operator
  • Bookkeeper
  • Production planning clerk
  • Legal clerk

2. Service and sales workers

  • Cabin attendant
  • Tour guide
  • Waiter
  • Postman
  • Beautician
  • Shop sales assistant
  • Babysitter
  • Lifeguards
  • Police officer

3. Craftsmen and related trades workers

  • Carpenter
  • Building painter
  • Goldsmith
  • Pottery worker
  • Electrician
  • Baker
  • Tailor
  • Shoemaker 

4. Plant and machine operators and assemblers

  • Concrete pump operator
  • Metal rolling mill worker
  • Printing machine operator
  • Electronic component assembler
  • MRT train operator
  • Taxi driver
  • Crane operator
  • Packing / bottling / labelling machine operator

5. Cleaners, labourers, and related workers

  • Office cleaner
  • Mover
  • Dishwasher
  • Bellboy
  • Building construction labourer

The general average salary by occupation in Singapore as of 2023 is $5,070. According to the Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower statistical table on income, below is the detailed average salary in Singapore by occupation in 2023. 

Occupation nameAverage monthly salary (including employer CPF contribution)
Managers and administrators (including working proprietors)$10,068
Associate professionals and technicians$4,491
Clerical support workers$3,276
Service and sales workers$2,691
Craftsmen and related trades workers$2,662
Plant and machine operators and assemblers$2,340
Cleaners, labourers and related workers$1,755

Average salary in Singapore by gender

In Singapore, the average salary for males and females is different. According to the Labour Force in Singapore, the average salary for males in 2022 is higher than for females by 10.1% or $502. This year’s gap is wider than in the previous year because males earn 9.9% or $438 more than women in 2021.

Including employer’s CPF contribution, male’s average monthly salary in Singapore as of 2022 is $5,450. Meanwhile, the average monthly salary for females is $4,437. Both got an increment from the previous year. Males earn 11.8% and females earn 11.5%, they are higher than in 2021.

Average salary in Singapore by gender of the same occupation

Different genders of the same occupation also receive different salaries. Therefore the average salary in Singapore by gender of the same occupation is also different and needs to be addressed. 

Here’s the table to explain the average salary in Singapore by gender of the same occupation according to Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower.

Occupation nameMale (including employer’s CPF contribution)Female (including employer’s CPF contribution)
Managers and administrators (including working proprietors)$10,586$9,800
Associate professionals and technicians$4,563$4,437
Clerical support workers$2,984$3,296
Service and sales workers$3,042$2,409
Craftsmen and related trades workers$2,890$2,150
Plant and machine operators and assemblers$2,421$2,000
Cleaners, labourers and related workers$1,851$1,669

Average Salary in Singapore by industry

There are four big industries in Singapore that you need to know. Each industry in Singapore offers a different salary, it also depends on the position, as well as other aspects. All of these aspects affect the average salary in Singapore by industry. 

The four big industries in Singapore are:

  1. Finance and accounting
  2. Healthcare
  3. Information and technology
  4. Marketing

Here’s details for average salary in Singapore by industry.

1. Average Salary in Finance and Accounting Industry

The average salary in Singapore for the finance and accounting sector is $6,490 per month, according to Salary Explorer. This average salary includes housing, transport, and other benefits. However, each occupation under the finance and accounting industry receives various salaries.

Occupation nameAverage salary
Account executive$5,910
Accountant $4,420
Bookkeeper $2,980
Budget analyst$7,980
Cost accountant$4,340
Credit and loans officer$3,110
External auditor$6,500
Finance officer$4,430
Finance president$13,000

2. Average Salary in Singapore For Healthcare and life sciences Industry

The average monthly salary in Singapore for the healthcare industry is $9,410, according to Salary Explorer. Below are the details for a particular occupation.  

Occupation nameAverage salary
Academic clinician$12,500
Admitting clerk$2,010
Audiologist $11,500
Biomedical engineering director$9,070
Cardiology manager$19,200
Cardiovascular specialist$23,600
Cardiovascular technologist$9,190
Caregiver $3,260
Data coordinator$2,880

3. Average Salary in Singapore For The Information and technology Industry

The average monthly salary in Singapore for the information and technology industry is $8,480, according to Salary Explorer. Here’s the details for some of the occupations.

Occupation nameAverage salary
Android developer$7,400
Application consultant$9,810
Blockchain associate$7,410
Chief information security officer$10,900
Computer technician$5,830
Data analyst$7,520
Data architect$8,020
E-commerce manager$9,320
Head of development$11,300

4. Average Salary in Singapore For The Marketing Industry

The average monthly salary for the marketing industry in Singapore is $9,470, according to Salary Explorer. Below are some of the occupations under this industry.

Occupation nameAverage salary
Assistant product manager$9,860
Brand ambassador$12,300
Communication officer$14,100
Creative writer$5,610
Event marketing$11,200
Marketing analyst$8,770
Marketing writer$5,350
Online marketing analyst$7,860
Product development$10,200

Average salary in Singapore by education

Level of education also affects salary. Higher education tends to receive better salary and slightly more negotiable depending on the experience. The more experienced you are, the bigger chance you have to negotiate it fairly.

According to Labour Force in Singapore, below is the average salary in Singapore by education.

Qualification Average salary (including employer’s CPF contribution)
Below secondary$2,250
Secondary $3,276
Post-secondary (non-tertiary)$3,276
Diploma and professional qualification$4,777
Degree $8,190

Average salary in Singapore by nature of employment

By nature of employment, there are two categories. They are full time and part time employment. The striking differences between the two is the duration of work.

Full time employees usually have longer work duration. In Singapore, they work 8 hours in a day or 44 hours in a week. Meanwhile, part time employees work less than 35 hours a week.

The other difference between full time and part time employees is the benefits. Usually, full time employees have more benefits compared to part time. However, part time employees can have the same opportunity depending on the employment agreement.

The average salary in Singapore for full time employees in 2022 is $5,070, according to Seedly Singapore. Meanwhile, part time employees receive much less and it’s $1,287.

The average salary in Singapore by any category is relatively high for a developed country. It is also jacked up by the fact that living costs in Singapore are also high. However, earning an average salary in Singapore is enough to fulfil your needs decently.

FAQ About Average Salary in Singapore

What is the average salary in Singapore?

According to data from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the median monthly income for resident workers in Singapore was SGD 4,563 in 2020.

How the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Get the Data?

The MOM’s data is based on a survey of employers in Singapore. The survey covers a wide range of industries and occupations. The data is collected confidentially and is used to help the MOM develop policies and programs to improve the lives of workers in Singapore.

How does age affect the average salary in Singapore?

Younger workers generally earn lower salaries than older workers, who have more experience and are more established in their careers. Workers in their 40s and 50s earn the highest median salaries in Singapore, with an average of SGD 6,385 and SGD 6,639 per month, respectively.

How does experience affect the average salary in Singapore?

Generally, workers with more experience tend to earn higher salaries than those with less experience. Workers with more than 15 years of experience earn the highest median salary in Singapore, with an average of SGD 7,500 per month.

Is the average salary in Singapore influenced by industry and job role?

Yes, the average salary in Singapore is influenced by industry and job role. Some industries and job roles pay higher salaries than others. Therefore, it is important to consider the specific industry and job role when evaluating the average salary in Singapore.

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