head of warehouse duties

Duties and Responsibilities of Head of Warehouse

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Duties and Responsibilities of Head of Warehouse – Warehouse is an important component of the modern supply chain. The supply chain consists of various stages from production, distribution of goods, from handling raw materials, spare parts, and goods in process to finished products.

The definition of a warehouse (warehouse) is a place for receiving, temporary storage and inventory of parts, materials and goods to be used for production needs or to support (support) production activities.

Warehouses, of course, require managers to manage the incoming goods, how long the goods are stored, the goods out and the maintenance of the goods stored in the warehouse.

Warehouse managers are usually led by a warehouse head who has responsibility for warehousing and storage activities. The following are the duties, functions and responsibilities of a Head of Warehouse:

Head of Warehouse Duties

a. Manage receipt, storage and distribution of logistics and equipment as buffer stock and as support during emergency and post-disaster response.
b. Planning, controlling and reporting warehousing during pre, incident, and post-disaster.
c. Securing the warehouse and its contents and its environment from anything that threatens the existence of the warehouse and its contents
d. Support the accelerated distribution of logistical assistance and equipment for disaster management

Head of Warehouse Functions

a. As the main point of contact (primary contact) in terms of logistics and equipment warehousing.
b. Increase the acceleration and effectiveness of logistical assistance and equipment before, during and after a disaster.
c. As a source of information on the availability of logistics and equipment in warehouses before, during and after a disaster.

Warehouse Head Responsibilities

a. Maintain sufficient goods in the warehouse at any time and is tasked with distributing logistical assistance and equipment in an appropriate, fast and efficient manner to be able to immediately assist disaster victims according to applicable regulations.
b. Maintain security, safety and maintenance of state assets in the form of warehouses along with logistics and equipment.
c. Coordinate all warehousing information with support organizations and implement logistics and equipment.
d. Increasing the capacity and ability of warehousing organizations to be more effective and efficient before, during and after a disaster.

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