operator forklift duties

Forklift Operator Duties & Responsibilities

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Forklift Operator Duties – In good warehousing or storage activities, there is usually a forklift that is used to move goods from one place to another. Forklifts are usually used to move goods over short distances or are limited in one room only. Forklifts can also be found in factories and large retail stores.

This forklift requires an operator to operate it. To become a forklift operator requires special skills, namely being able to drive and know the basic techniques of using a forklift. Usually new employees will be trained first before using the forklift directly. The goal is to prevent work accidents.

Then what are the duties and responsibilities of a forklift operator? Following are the duties and responsibilities:

Forklift Operator Duties & Responsibilities

a. Carry out loading and unloading activities, with the principle of prioritizing cement loading.
b. Coordinate actively with clerks in every loading and unloading activity.
c. Placing cement in accordance with the arrangement and type of goods.
d. In carrying out the task must prioritize caution and speed.
e. In loading goods using the FIFO system, namely prioritizing old goods to be loaded first.
f. Coordinate actively with the clerk if damaged goods are found.
g. Required to fill attendance every working day.
h. Prioritize cooperation with other employees.

Read More: Warehouse Admin Duties

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