what is job description

What Is Job Description? 9 Element of a Job Description

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Job Description is a description of work, positions, and responsibilities of workers. According to Wikipedia, a job description is a guide made by a company for employees so that they can carry out their duties and responsibilities according to a predetermined position.

It can be concluded that job descriptions are guidelines in the form of documents that are useful for employees to carry out their duties according to their positions and for superiors in the distribution of positions and positions for each employee.

According to (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016), Job Description is a job description that has been detailed according to the specified position. The Job Description must be in accordance with the employee’s position so that it can help the company to observe the employee’s development while the employee is working.

According to Moekijat (2010), a job description written in a brief, clear, and thorough manner relating to the responsibilities of each position that has been determined is also called a job description.

Job descriptions are made in the form of documents that contain a summary of important information about each position to make it easier to distinguish one position from another in the company. The description is structured so that it is easier for employees to understand (Stone, 2011).

Elements of a Job Description

Elements of a Job Description According to (Desseler, 2010) in compiling a Job Description there are several elements that must be spelled out clearly, namely:

  1. Job Identification
    Job identification provides the employee’s position in the form of an organizational structure. Which includes some information about the employee’s position. The assignment of employee positions must be clear and precise in accordance with what is needed by the organization. The assignment of positions will also identify jobs to provide employee information, explain the relationship between one worker and another, and provide a comparison of the positions listed in the organization. In addition, there are also several things that must be identified, namely the distribution of wages, the date the Job Description was created, the name of the Job Description maker and the name of the person who approved the Job Description.
  2. Job Purpose
    This section explains the main objective of the job or what is known as the job objective which must describe the basis and essence of the job
  3. Duties and Responsibilities
    Duties and responsibilities explain the list of main duties and responsibilities of a person when they have been given a permanent position. Duties and responsibilities are at the core of the job description design which must be explained in detail and accurately about what employees will do while working. To improve employee performance, duties and responsibilities become part of the performance standards so that they can carry out the goals and strategies that have been made by the company.
  4. Relationships
    This section explains the relationship between the company’s internal and external positions which will be useful for achieving the performance standards that have been formed, so that employees feel satisfied with what they have done. Knowledge This section relates to a person’s skills, insights, experience gained, ability to work and formal capabilities needed by someone to be able to complete the work that has been given.
  5. Troubleshooting
    Problem solving is a part related to identifying thoughts when making decisions. Like every job, there will always be problem solving, but whether simple problem solving is used or various solutions are used.
  6. Accountability
    Accountability explains the finances of workers by looking at the value of assets, increased sales and more given to workers who are responsible for the work that has been given.
  7. Authority
    Authority can be called the authority of each employee, which means that each employee has the right and authority to make decisions and opinions.
  8. Performance Standards
    Work standards are usually enforced with conditions in order to improve work performance and evaluate employee performance results.
  9. License
    A license is a legal document that is used as a complete permit in work that has a high level of danger.
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